- Jumpers with health limitations or under the influence of alcohol/drugs or above weight limit of 90 Kgs shall not be allowed to play in the trampoline area.
- A valid coloured wrist band is required to enter the trampoline area.
- All jumpers who enter the trampoline counts must have signed a ‘WAIVER’. Jumpers under 18 must have a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian who is above 18.
- Wearing ‘PLAY-IN’ grip socks is mandatory.
- Children under the age of 7 should be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
- Jumpers must use the equipment in a safe and responsible manner.
- Pockets must be completely empty and jumpers should remove shoes, large or loose jewellery including chains/bracelets, studded belts, keychains or other sharp objects and where possible glasses and hearing aid, in the shoe racks and lockers available.
- NO glass, phones, cameras or other objects and equipment are permitted in the trampoline area.
- NO Food, gum or drinks allowed in the trampoline area. The management of ‘PLAY-IN’ will not be held responsible for any loss, theft or injury inside the trampoline area.
- The management reserves the right to admission in case of non-compliance or rules and regulations or in the interest of safety and security.
Trampolining is an inherently dangerous activity. Jump at your own risk.
- Jump within your ability.
- Jumpers should not sit or lie on the trampolines. Exit the trampoline courts if you need to rest. Walk on pads and not on trampoline mats while entering or exiting the trampoline courts.
- Pushing, wrestling, tackling, running, racing, playing tag, and horseplay of any kind is strictly forbidden.
- Always jump and land on two feet. Never jump or land on the padding. Never land on your head.
- Look out for other jumpers and always give smaller jumpers right of way.
- Jumpers should not touch, climb, lean, or hang on to any of the top pads. or netting inside the trampoline area.
- Double bouncing and Flips are strictly prohibited. Jumpers must be in control of their body at all times.
- Always listen to the ‘PLAY-IN’ staff present in the trampoline area. They are responsible for the safety of all jumpers.
- Attempt dunks as per your capacity and skills.
- Only one person on each trampoline mat.
- Wait for your turn. Allow the jumper in front of you to exit the trampoline.
- Do Not hang on the hoop or support bars.
- Do Not jump or land on the padding.
- Jump as per your capacity and skills.
- No head dives and belly flops.
- Wait for your turn. Allow the jumper in front of you to exit the Air Bag.
- Land safely only on your feet, bums or back.
- Exit quickly as directed by ‘PLAY-IN’ staff.